CV Search & Talent Pool
Use CV Search to find qualified individuals more quickly.
Using FX Career EU, you can search both your internal database and the databases of several job boards to swiftly and simply find the best candidates for your openings.
Access databases both internal and job board from a one spot.
Every time you want to locate CVs, searching through the databases of each job board might be a major resource guzzler.
With only one click, find qualified applicants from a variety of databases and save time. You'll quickly locate the ideal applicant!
Use the advanced search parameters to narrow down your results.
CV Search provides many search filter options so that you can be sure your search only returns CVs that match the job. You have the option to filter using a long list of standards or keywords.
Recruiters can attach aspects to their keyword searches using Boolean to further reduce the results, which is useful for really specialized searches.
Examine prospects swiftly and take action
Use our CV Preview to quickly review the candidate resumes that have been retrieved.
You can send the resume back to yourself, store the candidate to a folder, match the CV to an open position, or download it to your computer with just one click.